BIBLE TALK Welcome to "Bible Talk." This week we are considering this question: Is the Bible absolutely flawless??? If we say, as many religious leaders are now saying, that the Bible is not absolutely flawless, then we are forced to one of six conclusions. 1) Perhaps God was unable to reveal Himself to man. If this theory is true it causes us to doubt whether there really was a God. Surely if He lacked the ability to reveal Himself He could not create the world! 2) Perhaps God was unwilling to reveal Himself. If this is the case, the goodness of God is called into question! He would not be a loving and caring God if He refused to instruct man in how to live. 3) Perhaps God was unable to give man a flawless record of His will. Once again, this theory would call into question the very ability of God to even create the world to begin with. 4) Perhaps God was unwilling to make the record flawless. Again, this theory calls into question the goodness of God! It would not be a good and merciful God Who would threaten to judge man, and yet leave man with a flawed record of his duties. 5) Perhaps God revealed a flawless record of His will, but He was unable to preserve that record thru the ages. This theory denies God's power. For if God could not preserve His flawless record, He certainly could not have created the world. 6) Perhaps God revealed a flawless record, and had the ability to preserve it, but was unwilling to preserve it. If this be the case, it makes us wonder why God went to the trouble in the first place of revealing His will! My point is simply this, anytime we deny the inerrancy of the Bible -- anytime we deny its absolute flawlessness -- we are, at the same time denying either God's power, or His holiness. But why have men today begun to question the inerrancy of the Bible? It is because men today are willing to call themselves "Christians," but they are unwilling to forsake their own will and submit to the will of God!! Once God's word is doubted, the obligation to obey that will vanishes! Genesis 3:1 1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?" Satan knew that for man to disobey the will of God it would be necessary to cause man to doubt God's word. Once that seed of doubt has been planted, it will not be long before disobedience takes place! That's what happened in the Garden of Eden, and that's what happens now!! When everything is said and done, the problem of Biblical inerrancy boils down to whether the Bible is of divine origin. If we can prove the Bible is from God, it is a small thing to prove it is flawless!!! Obviously if: a) If God is powerful and good enough to create the world, He is powerful and good enough to reveal Himself to man. b) If He did reveal Himself to man it would, by the very nature and character of God, be a perfect, flawless record. c) And surely if He went to the trouble to revealing His perfect, flawless word, He would go to the added trouble of preserving it thru the ages for the benefit of all men! The question before us is simply: What proofs exist today that verify the Bible is of divine origin? The proofs which verify the divine origin of the Bible are incredibly numerous and I will have only enough time to mention a few. FIRST: The Bible is scientifically correct. I mention just one example of many to illustrate the point. Isaiah 40:22 22 ... [God] sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. The common belief of ancient times was that the world was flat. But here in this Bible passage the earth was declared to be round. What kept the Bible from making the same mistakes as other ancient writings? The answer is: The Bible was written by the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit! SECOND: The Bible is historically correct. Jonah 3:3 3 ... Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a three-day journey in extent. This immense city had so completely disappeared that critics, for years, ridiculed the Bible reference to this great city. But the critics stopped laughing when in 1842 some archaeologists uncovered the remains of this lost city! THIRD: The Bible is geographically correct. In references to altitude, for example, the Bible is correct. Whenever the Scriptures use the expression "going up," or "going down" to a certain city, they were always correct. (No instruments for measuring altitude existed in Bible days, but in every case the reference is correct!) In contrast, most of us don't know whether it is up or down to any neighboring city about us, but these Bible writers knew because they were divinely inspired. FORTH: The Bible is prophetically correct. Prophecy is "history written in advance." The Bible is full of prophecies that were fulfilled exactly. Only God could have produced such a book as the Bible! To illustrate: The OT contained 333 prophecies about Jesus. Everyone of these prophecies were fulfilled! * Ps. 41:9 -- Jesus would be betrayed by a friend. * Zech. 11:12 -- He would be sold for 30 pieces of silver. * Zech. 13:11 -- The disciples would flee. * Isa. 53:5 -- Jesus would be scourged. * Isa. 53:12 -- Jesus would be numbered with the transgressors. * Ps. 22:16 -- His hands and feet would be pierced. * Ps. 22:18 -- Men would divide His garments. * Ps. 34:20 -- No bones would be broken in His body. All of these prophecies were made hundreds and hundreds of years before Jesus was even born and yet all of them were fulfilled exactly when He was crucified! According to the law of probabilities, there would be a 1 in 83 billion chance that so many predictions would come true by mere chance. These prophecies confirm the fact that the Bible writers were guided supernaturally in what they wrote! SUMMARY In conclusion, we state with the fullest confidence that: FIRST: The Bible is a product of our heavenly Father. SECOND: It was absolutely perfect and flawless when it was first revealed. 2 Peter 1:20-21 (NIV) 20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. THIRD: The Bible has been preserved thru the ages for the benefit of all men. Matthew 24:35 35 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. 4