Vital Bible Doctrines Workbook + “Teacher’s Edition” (w/ Answers)


(George Battey)


I am pleased to bring to you the present workbook: Vital Bible Doctrines. This book contains the following eleven lessons:

 Lesson 1: The Word Of God

 Lesson 2: How To Interpret The Bible

 Lesson 3: Will Good People From Every Church Be Saved? (pt. 1)

 Lesson 4: Will Good People From Every Church Be Saved? (pt. 2)

 Lesson 5: Is The Church Necessary For Salvation?

 Lesson 6: Identifying The Lord’s Church

 Lesson 7: Establishing Authority

 Lesson 8: “Religious Competition”

 Lesson 9: Obeying God

 Lesson 10: Death And The Judgment

 Lesson 11: Miraculous Power

This booklet was first printed in 1995 and contained only nine lessons at that time. Inquiries and encouragement from a sister in Christ (“BL”) have prompted the posting of this material on this website. Hopefully others will find these lessons useful in study with others. Have you ever been asked to go to someone’s house to conduct a Bible study? Have you fretted and worried, “What shall I study with this person?” Perhaps the present worksheets can provide a solution to that quandary.

Consider printing off each lesson and using it in study with others. The PDF version is ready to print “as is.” The MS Word version is provided for those who wish to reformat the text to fit their needs.

The lessons are based on the wording found in the New King James Version (NKJV). An “answer key” is also posted for those who which to check their answers with the correct/expected answers.

 May God bless the reading and study of His blessed word,

George Battey (April, 2015)


To access the STUDENT’S EDITION, please click on one of the following file formats:

PDF | MS Word

To access the TEACHER’S EDITION, please click on one of the following file formats:

Vital Bible Doctrines – ALL LESSONS – Teacher’s Edition (2022) PDF

Vital Bible Doctrines – ALL LESSONS – Teacher’s Edition (2022) MS Word

This entry was posted in Articles, Authority, Baptism, Bible Study (general), Christ's Death, Christ's Teachings, Christians, Church of Christ, Communion, Faith, Grace, Instrumental Music, Judgement Day, Miracles, Obedience, Salvation, The Church, Workbooks, Works, Worship. Bookmark the permalink.