The Dennis-Smith Debate on Divorce and Remarriage (1943)

The following debate is, to my knowledge, not copyrighted. I received a copy of this debate and read it with great interest. This was a written debate which seems to have begun in about 1942 and was finished in 1943. I feel this debate demonstrates very clearly the weakness of the position which says, “There is no-exception whatsoever for divorce in the gospel system.”

  • J. A. Dennis takes the position that there is an exception given which applies in the gospel age (Mt 5:32 and Mt 19:9).
  • W. S. Smith takes the position there is no-exception given.

Click on the link below to read the debate for yourself.

Dennis – Smith Debate – No-Exception

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Did Joseph suspect Mary of fornication? (pt. 1)

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Does the Bible teach “alien baptism” or “believer baptism”?

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Remembering the past: The celibacy of the clergy!

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In conversion, does the Holy Spirit operate upon men separate and apart from the written scriptures?

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Why is a homosexual suing God?

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“By what authority do you do these things?” (Mt 21:23)

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The Apostles – a sermon by Brother Clint DeFrance

Clint DeFrance PhotoThe following sermon is the final sermon preached by Brother Clint DeFrance on October 26, 2014 at the Seminole, Oklahoma congregation.

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Gospel Meeting – with Brother Clint DeFrance (2014)

Clint DeFrance PhotoOn the dates of October 22-26, 2014, Brother Clint DeFrance came to Seminole, Oklahoma and preached six timely and scriptural sermons. Brother Clint is a very talented and studious young preacher. His sermon content demonstrates serious hours of study and preparation. Not only is Brother Clint a good speaker, he is well liked by all who know him. His positive and upbeat attitude is contagious. You will learn something from every sermon presented here.

NOTE: The sixth sermon, “The Apostles,” is posted separate due to limitations of the current web-hosting software.

How Many Churches Did Jesus Build?

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The Valley of Decision

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The Christian and His Congregation

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The Church and The Kingdom

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The Tabernacle

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What is the entire duty of man?

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