What’s wrong with the doctrine of premillennialism?

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Dispensational Premillennialism, Eschatology, Prophecy, Second Coming of Jesus | Leave a comment

Was Jesus a Christian?

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“To Burn or To Bury?” (Cremation)

The practice of cremation is becoming more and more popular in American culture. The concentration camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau modernized the heathen practice of burning dead bodies rather than burial. The Nazi Party perfected and made efficient the practice that is, unquestionably, a heathen practice. This study will investigate what the scriptures say about burial versus cremation and will conclude and recommend that the practice of cremation should be opposed by Christians. The title and much of the reasoning presented in this study is based on Rodney J. Decker, “Is It Better to Bury or to Burn? A Biblical Perspective on Cremation and Christianity in Western Culture Parts 1 & 2.” Journal of Ministry and Theology Volume 11, No. 1, 2007.

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How To Grow The Church

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Have the “last days” begun? (pt. 2)

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Current Events, Dispensational Premillennialism, Eschatology, Second Coming of Jesus | Leave a comment

Have the “last days” begun? (pt. 1)

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Are babies born totally depraved with sin?

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What does the Bible say about abortion?

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Do Christians worship Jesus and do Christians pray directly to Jesus?

Amazingly, some Christians, when asked, are not sure whether the church should worship Jesus. Is it commanded? If it’s not commanded, is it wrong to worship the Lord? If it is commanded, where are Christians commanded to do this? If the church does not worship Jesus, is the church sinning? Furthermore, what about praying directly to the Lord Jesus? Is it wrong to pray to the Lord directly? These questions will be explored in the present study. The answer given in this study is: (1) Yes, the church must worship Jesus and (2) Yes, Christians may pray directly to Jesus just like they pray directly to God the Father.

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“Pride goes before destruction” (Proverbs 16:18)

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6-13-22 – Pride goes before destruction
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