Are all people innocent at birth?


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What makes obedience difficult?

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Are Baptists correct about John 3:16?


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Did Jesus go to “hell” when He died?

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Who is the most dangerous person in the world?


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A Study Of Dispensational Premillennialism


The following is a series of sermons focusing on dispensational-premillennialism. There are actually two popular “breeds” of premillennialism: (a) Historic-Premillennialism and (b) Dispensational-Premillennialism. Although both systems are incorrect, the dispensational variety is by far the most damaging and drastically anti-Biblical. Dispensational-Premillennialism is not an innocent, alternate viewpoint of Biblical prophecy. It is wrong from start to finish and implicates the very nature of God Himself.
These studies are in the process of being recorded and posted. Continue to check back for more installments.
May God bless this series of studies concerning Dispensational-Premillennialism.

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Things you should know about Islam, the Koran, and Mohammed

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Lessons to learn from terrorism – Part 1
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Lessons to learn from terrorism – Part 2

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Was Mohammed predicted in the Bible? – Part 1
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Was Mohammed predicted in the Bible? – Part 2
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Was Mohammed predicted in the Bible? – Part 3
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A Study of the Holy Spirit


The following is a series of sermons which I have been preaching since the early 1980s and 1990s. Early in my life (1981), brother Richard DeGough studied with me and influenced me greatly in my understanding of the Holy Spirit and how the Spirit operates upon people. I will forever be grateful to brother DeGough for his time and efforts to study with me.

There are many different ideas about the Holy Spirit and how He operates.

  • The Calvinists believe the Holy Spirit operates directly upon both sinners and saints alike.
  • Some well-intentioned Christians believe the Spirit operates directly only upon saints.
  • The Pentecostal and Charismatic people believe the Spirit operates miraculously – enabling people to speak in tongues, prophesy, miraculously heal, and perform other miracles similar to the apostles themselves.
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe the Holy Spirit is even a divine person. They hold the Spirit is “God’s power personified.”

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Can being “non-judgmental” become dangerous?

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Do the “grace passages” override “obedience passages”?

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