If dead men could speak, what would they say?

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Preacher-Teacher Training Session #1

Preacher/Teacher Training

March 30, 2013

On Saturday, March 30, 2013 the Seminole, Oklahoma congregation hosted a Preachers-Teachers Training session.  Twenty-five brethren from nine different congregations gathered to hear presentations on how to prepare and present better and more effective lessons to congregations.  Following each speaker a question and answer session allowed brethren in the audience to either ask questions or make comments.  This training session was an effort to fulfill Paul’s instructions to Timothy:

“The things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Tim 2:2) Continue reading

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What does the Bible teach about “church succession”?

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Is Easter the correct time to have communion?


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What is the correct way to choose a new Pope?

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Can God heal without a miracle?

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Did Holy Spirit baptism save Cornelius in Acts 10?

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How are men “baptized by one Spirit” into one body (1 Cor 12:13)?

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What about children and single-parent homes?



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What does the Bible say about “stay-at-home” moms?

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