Does God listen to everyone’s prayers?


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What about the “lost” books of the Bible?

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Should you send money to TV preachers?

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Is the Church of Christ a cult? (Parts 1-2)

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Part 1 – PDF | MS Word

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Part 2 – PDF | MS Word

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Posted in 7th Day Adventist, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Church of Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Roman Catholic, The Church | Leave a comment

What purpose does the law serve?

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Posted in Bible Study (general), Bible Talk Manuscripts, Old Testament, The Law | Leave a comment

May Christians play the lottery?

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Should we baptize people for the dead?

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The Social Gospel

The following notes were presented at the annual “Preachers’ Study” held December 20-23, 2010.  This particular study was presented on the afternoon of December 22, 2010.

The Social Gospel – Booklet
The Social Gospel – PowerPoint Slides

Posted in Articles, Bible Study (general), False Doctrine, Social Problems | Leave a comment

Limited Benevolence

Limited Benevolence

(November 21, 2010)

This present study concerns the subject of “Limited Benevolence.” Should the church treasury be “limited”only for saints (members of the church) or should the church treasury be “unlimited” and used for non-members as well?  This study presents the position that the treasury is limited by the Lord and intended “for saints”  only (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).  This study will demonstrate that using the treasury for non-members is not only unscriptural, it is dangerous  to the Lord’s cause and counterproductive of good.  The PowerPoint charts used in the presentation of this study are also posted below.

May the Lord bless the study and presentation of His word.

Limited Benevolence – PowerPoint Slides

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“Open Bible Study” #5 – A Discussion with a Christian Church Preacher: Does Bible Silence Permit or Forbid?

“Open Bible Study”

November 13, 2010
Does Bible Silence Permit or Forbid?

This present study concerns the subject of “Bible Silence.” On November 13, 2010 Mr. Jason Murray came to our church building with the assignment of affirming “Bible Silence Permits.” Mr. Murray is the preacher for the Draper Park Christian Church in Oklahoma City.  The assignment was as follows:  (a) When the Bible is truly silent about a doctrine, does that silence permit the Christian to proceed in teaching and propagating that doctrine?  (b) When the Bible is truly silent about a practice, does that silence permit the Christian to proceed in participating in that practice?  Mr. Murray agreed to affirm that Bible silence grants permission. Continue reading

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