The Meaning of “Cup” in Lk 22:20B and 1 Cor 11:25B – Ellis Lindsey

Ellis Lindsey – Lk 22v20

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Bengel’s Gnomon (Vol. 1 – Matthew – Acts)

Bengel’s Gnomon – Vol 1 – Mt – Acts

Posted in Acts, Bible Study (general), Books, John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, New Testament | Leave a comment

Bengel’s Gnomon (Vol. 2 – Romans – Revelation)

Bengel’s Gnomon – Vol 2 – Rom – Rev

Posted in Bible Study (general), Books, New Testament, Revelation, Romans | Leave a comment

Bible Wine or Laws of Fermentation – William Patton

Bible Wine or Laws of Fermentation

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Divine Law As To Wine – G. W. Samson

Divine Law As To Wine

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Wine – Temperance Bible Commentary – Tayler Lewis

Wine – Temperance Bible Commentary

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The Fruit of the Vine – Homer Gay

Wine – Fruit of the Vine – Homer Gay

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“Open Bible Study” #2 – A Discussion with a Baptist Preacher: Once Saved, Always Saved?

“Open Bible Study”

April 10, 2010

This present study concerns the subject of “Once a person is saved, will he always be saved or can a saved person sin to such a degree that he can lose his salvation?” On April 10, 2010 Mr. Chad Kaminski came to our church building and spoke in defense of his belief that, although a Christian can sin and even fall, they will not “finally fall” – that is, a truly saved person will not ever be eternally lost.  When he finished, George Battey, the preacher for the Good Hope Rd. Church of Christ, spoke for the same amount of time defending the idea that it is possible for a saved person to lose his salvation.  As a matter of fact, the scriptures teach that a Christian who sins and does not receive forgiveness is in a “worse state” than one who never knew the Lord to begin with (2 Pet 2:20-22). Continue reading

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“Open Bible Study” #1 – A Discussion with a Baptist Preacher: Is baptism absolutely essential for salvation?

“Open Bible Study”

March 13, 2010
“Is baptism absolutely essential for salvation?”

The apostle Paul wrote the following:

1 Corinthians 1:10

10  Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

While we ought to have unity, it is also clear, and to our shame, that we do not have unity.

We at the Good Hope Rd. Church of Christ believe the only way to have the unity Jesus prayed for is to gather with those who disagree and discuss the things which divide us.  And while we may not immediately agree after these sessions, it is certain we will never have unity if we ignore each other and ignore the issues which divide us. Continue reading

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Nathaniel Westmoreland (July 18, 1958 to Feb 19, 2010)

My friend and brother-in-Christ, Nathaniel Westmoreland, passed from this life on Jan 19, 2010.  Nathaniel’s wife, Velda Westmoreland, asked me to come to Georgia and preach the funeral.  I was honored to be asked.
The link below contains the message spoken at the funeral service.

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