Category Archives: Articles

The articles posted on this web site are believed to contain the truth on the subject which each addresses. These beliefs are sincerely held. If any of the articles contain or advocate error, an open invitation is extended to any reader to communicate and point out any such error.

The Coronavirus–A Response

Posted in Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Communion, Current Events, Worship | Leave a comment

Is Christ Divided? (1 Cor 1:13)

Posted in 1 Corinthians, Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Church of Christ, Denominations, Unity | Leave a comment

What do you think of Christ?

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Eight problems with the dispensational “rapture” theory.

Posted in Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Eschatology, False Doctrine, Prophecy, Second Coming of Jesus | Leave a comment

What did John Calvin get WRONG?

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Calvinism, False Doctrine, Obedience | Leave a comment

What name should the church wear?

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Doesn’t the Bible teach immoral people should be executed?

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Morals, New Testament, Old Testament, The Law | Leave a comment

Are divorced people “still married in the eyes of God”?

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Christian Living, Divorce, Marriage, Morals | Leave a comment

Would you like to receive $2,200 for being baptized?

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Baptism, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Obedience, Salvation | Leave a comment

Why did Jesus curse a fig tree (Mt 21:18-19)?

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Christ's Teachings, Church of Christ, Eschatology, Judaism, Miracles, The Church | Leave a comment