Category Archives: Articles

The articles posted on this web site are believed to contain the truth on the subject which each addresses. These beliefs are sincerely held. If any of the articles contain or advocate error, an open invitation is extended to any reader to communicate and point out any such error.

A Reply to Sigmund concerning Caitlyn Jenner and transgender people.

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Homosexuality, Morals, Sin | Leave a comment

Vital Bible Doctrines Workbook + “Teacher’s Edition” (w/ Answers)

VITAL BIBLE DOCTRINES WORKBOOK (George Battey)   I am pleased to bring to you the present workbook: Vital Bible Doctrines. This book contains the following eleven lessons:  Lesson 1: The Word Of God  Lesson 2: How To Interpret The Bible … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, Authority, Baptism, Bible Study (general), Christ's Death, Christ's Teachings, Christians, Church of Christ, Communion, Faith, Grace, Instrumental Music, Judgement Day, Miracles, Obedience, Salvation, The Church, Workbooks, Works, Worship | Leave a comment

Does everyone have a right to his/her own belief?

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Authority, Bible Study (general), Bible Talk Manuscripts, Denominations, Obedience, Religion, Salvation | Leave a comment

Is it possible for a church to be RIGHT?

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Posted in Articles, Baptism, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Communion, Obedience, Salvation, The Church, Women, Worship | Leave a comment

Is it possible for a church to be WRONG?

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Posted in Articles, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Communion, Denominations, Instrumental Music, Obedience, Religion, The Church, Worship | Leave a comment

Is there really an “innocent party” in a divorce?

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Posted in Articles, Divorce, Family, Marriage, The Home | Leave a comment

Did Joseph suspect Mary of fornication? (pt. 2)

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Christ, Divorce, Marriage | Leave a comment

Remembering the past: The celibacy of the clergy!

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“By what authority do you do these things?” (Mt 21:23)

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Authority, Bible Talk Manuscripts | Leave a comment

Are a plurality of communion loaves (or wafers) sinful?

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Posted in Articles, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Communion, The Church, Worship | Leave a comment