Category Archives: Articles

The articles posted on this web site are believed to contain the truth on the subject which each addresses. These beliefs are sincerely held. If any of the articles contain or advocate error, an open invitation is extended to any reader to communicate and point out any such error.

1 Corinthians 11:2-16 – A Very Simple Study – TRACT FORM

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The Purpose of Baptism

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Posted in Articles, Baptism, Salvation | Leave a comment

The Simple Truth About The Lord’s Supper

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What Color Of Church Do You Want To Attend?

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Posted in Articles, Bible Study (general), Humanity, Social Problems, Worship | Leave a comment

Historical Facts – About the Origin of Denominations

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Bible Passages Your Church May Not Be Showing You!

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Posted in Articles, Bible Study (general), Denominations, Religion | Leave a comment

25 Reasons to Investigate the “Church Of Christ”

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Over 40 Questions About Baptism – ANSWERED!

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The First Day of the Week – Are Christians commanded to worship on this day?

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The Sabbath Day – are Christians commanded to keep the 7th day Sabbath?

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