Category Archives: Articles

The articles posted on this web site are believed to contain the truth on the subject which each addresses. These beliefs are sincerely held. If any of the articles contain or advocate error, an open invitation is extended to any reader to communicate and point out any such error.

The Divine Pattern For Communion – “One Cup”

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Verbal Confession of Faith in Christ – A critical review of the NIV rendition of Rom 10:9

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“Women’s Seminars” And “Women’s Retreats” – Are they scriptural?

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The “Hair” Question – A critical study of 1 Cor 11:2-16

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Will only the “Church of Christ” be saved?

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Baptism, Church of Christ, Salvation, The Church | Leave a comment

Worshipping “In Spirit” & “In Truth” – Examining the traditional view of Jn 4:24

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Continuous Revelation – Does God reveal ANYTHING to people today?

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Is EVERYONE Welcome At Church? – A Study Of 1 Cor 5

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When Is An “Example” Binding?

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The Tomb Of Jesus & The Discovery Channel

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