Category Archives: Articles

The articles posted on this web site are believed to contain the truth on the subject which each addresses. These beliefs are sincerely held. If any of the articles contain or advocate error, an open invitation is extended to any reader to communicate and point out any such error.

“By One Spirit We Are All Baptized Into One Body” (1 Cor 12:13)

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Does Holy Spirit Baptism Save Men From Sins?

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When Is Baptism NOT Necessary?

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Grace & Obedience

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Church Buildings – Are they authorized?

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The “Grace-Faith-Works-Law” Controversy

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Posted in Articles, Baptism, Grace, Obedience, Salvation | Leave a comment

The Christian and Civil Government

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Turning Neither To The “Right” Nor To The “Left” – A Study Of Romans 14

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“Forsaking The Assembly” (Heb 10:25)

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