Category Archives: Audio

“They spoke to the people” (Acts 4:1);
“They spoke the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:31);

“They spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house” (Acts 16:32);

“Come and hear, all you who fear God, And I will declare what He has done for my soul” (Ps 66:16)

If you don’t love your spouse anymore, what should you do?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Divorce, Family, Marriage, The Home | Leave a comment

Is it okay to tell a lie on certain occasions?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Morals, Sin | Leave a comment

Should communion be transported to the sick?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Communion | Leave a comment

Does God expect people to become martyrs?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Death, War & The Bible | Leave a comment

Should communion be offered twice on Sundays?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Communion | Leave a comment

What is the origin of aberrant sexual desire and gender confusion?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Homosexuality, Morals | Leave a comment

May a Christian scripturally shoot an intruder?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, War & The Bible | Leave a comment

David & Goliath (1 Samuel 17)

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Posted in Audio, Christ's Death, Salvation, The Devil, War & The Bible | Leave a comment

Is God revealing new truths to people today?

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Posted in Audio, Bible - The Canon, Bible Talk Manuscripts | Tagged | Leave a comment

Is the U. S. Supreme Court the “Supreme” Court?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Homosexuality, Marriage, Morals | Leave a comment