Category Archives: Homosexuality

“Pride goes before destruction” (Proverbs 16:18)

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Posted in Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Christian Living, Current Events, Homosexuality, Morals, Sin | Leave a comment

Should the church accept homosexuality as an “alternate lifestyle”?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Christian Living, Homosexuality, Morals | Leave a comment

What does the Bible say about transgenderism?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Christian Living, Current Events, Homosexuality, Morals, Sin | Leave a comment

Is there a “gay gene”?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Christian Living, Current Events, Homosexuality, Morals, Sin, Social Problems, The Home | Leave a comment

What is the origin of aberrant sexual desire and gender confusion?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Homosexuality, Morals | Leave a comment

Is the U. S. Supreme Court the “Supreme” Court?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Homosexuality, Marriage, Morals | Leave a comment

A Reply to Sigmund concerning Caitlyn Jenner and transgender people.

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What does the Bible say about the strange case of Caitlyn Jenner?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Homosexuality, Morals | Leave a comment

Is heaven on sale 50% off?

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Posted in Alcohol, Audio, Heaven, Homosexuality, Morals, Social Problems | Leave a comment

Why is a homosexual suing God?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Homosexuality, Morals | Leave a comment