Category Archives: Religion

Crossing the Line – What’s Wrong With The Irving Church???

  Crossing The Line – What’s Wrong With The Irving Church??? (Click the above link to view and read the entire booklet)

Posted in Articles, Bible Study (general), Church of Christ, Denominations, False Doctrine, Worship | Leave a comment

Should you send money to TV preachers?

Click here to read.

Posted in Bible Talk Manuscripts, Denominations, Religion | Leave a comment

Is the Church of Christ a cult? (Parts 1-2)

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Posted in 7th Day Adventist, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Church of Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Roman Catholic, The Church | Leave a comment

Should we baptize people for the dead?

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Posted in Baptism, Bible Study (general), Bible Talk Manuscripts, Denominations, Mormons, Religion | Leave a comment

“Open Bible Study” #4 – A Discussion with a Seventh Day Adventist: The Sabbath Day?

“Open Bible Study” June 12, 2010 The Sabbath Day? This present study concerns the subject of “The Sabbath Day.” On June 12, 2010 Mr. Jerry States came to our church building and spoke in defense of his belief that the … Continue reading

Posted in 10 Commandments, 7th Day Adventist, Audio, Bible Study (general), Denominations, Old Testament, Open Bible Study, Religion | Leave a comment

“Open Bible Study” #3 – A Discussion with a Mormon Bishop: Continuous Revelation?

“Open Bible Study” May 8, 2010 Continuous Revelation? This present study concerns the subject of “Continuous Revelation.”  On May 8, 2010 Mr. Jim Choate came to our church building and spoke in defense of his belief that God continues to … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Bible Study (general), Denominations, Mormons, New Testament, Religion, Revelation | Leave a comment

“Open Bible Study” #2 – A Discussion with a Baptist Preacher: Once Saved, Always Saved?

“Open Bible Study” April 10, 2010 “Once-Saved-Always-Saved?” This present study concerns the subject of “Once a person is saved, will he always be saved or can a saved person sin to such a degree that he can lose his salvation?” … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Baptist, Denominations, Open Bible Study, Religion, Salvation | Tagged | Leave a comment

“Open Bible Study” #1 – A Discussion with a Baptist Preacher: Is baptism absolutely essential for salvation?

“Open Bible Study” March 13, 2010 “Is baptism absolutely essential for salvation?” The apostle Paul wrote the following: 1 Corinthians 1:10 10  Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Baptism, Baptist, Denominations, Open Bible Study, Religion, Salvation | Tagged | Leave a comment

Religious Competition

Posted in Audio, Religion | Leave a comment

Continuous Revelation?

Posted in Audio, Bible Study (general), Denominations, Mormons, New Testament, Religion, Revelation | Leave a comment