Category Archives: Worship

Is your church in the Bible?

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Posted in 7th Day Adventist, Audio, Baptism, Baptist, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Church of Christ, Denominations, Instrumental Music, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Religion, Roman Catholic, Salvation, Sunday School, The Church, Unity, Worship | Leave a comment

Do Christians worship Jesus and do Christians pray directly to Jesus?

Amazingly, some Christians, when asked, are not sure whether the church should worship Jesus. Is it commanded? If it’s not commanded, is it wrong to worship the Lord? If it is commanded, where are Christians commanded to do this? If … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, Audio, Christ, Christians, God, Prayer, The Godhead, Worship | Leave a comment

Does the Bible require women to wear a veil in worship?

Posted in 1 Corinthians, Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Christian Living, Hair, Prayer, Women, Worship | Leave a comment

I Went To Church Yesterday

Posted in Articles, Audio, Christ's Death, Christian Living, Church of Christ, Current Events, Worship | Leave a comment

The Coronavirus–A Response

Posted in Articles, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Communion, Current Events, Worship | Leave a comment

Will God accept worship from Jews?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Judaism, Legalism, Works, Worship | Leave a comment

Is God arrogant and egotistical?

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Posted in Apologetics, Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Christ, Giving Thanks, God, God's character, Worship | Leave a comment

What’s the difference between an “aid” and an “addition” in worship to God?

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Posted in Audio, Authority, Bible Interpretation, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Instrumental Music, Worship | Leave a comment

Should non-members eat the Lord’s supper (communion)?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, Communion | Leave a comment

When is it RIGHT to change churches?

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Posted in Audio, Bible Talk Manuscripts, False Doctrine, The Church, Worship | Leave a comment